New York Biology Dead Sea Mud Mask

Dead Sea Mud Mask from New Biology offers you the chance to get back to having healthy skin.

It is one of the dermacare products that will not damage the skin.

Instead, this excellent pore reducer and gentle exfoliator will help to give your natural glow back.

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If you suffer from acne, you will find that this mask will help to keep your skin clean without stimulating sebum production. The minerals in the Dead Sea Mud Mask help to control inflammation in the skin which is at the bottom of most acne outbreaks.

Another benefit you will experience when you use the mask on a regular basis is a reduction in pore size and fewer blackheads.

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Not only does it contain a range of skin-healthy minerals. Dead Sea Mud Mask is also packed with skin-friendly Calendula oil, Aloe Vera, Jojoba, and Sunflower seed oil. It will nourish and cleanse your skin at the same time.

As a dermacare product, it offers you excellent value for money.

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